Early on she will shove in the wave no matter what because of her E passive, so try to let the wave stay near your tower. If it happens that she doesn't kill you from the all in, she can jump away and leave you at 1 hp in lane. However, make sure she does not have bone playing available and try your best to disengage her bomb so that she can't get her jump reset. It's possible to win this all in given that she is jumping into your minion wave. Pre 6, she will jump on you and attempt to all in you with just her jump and bomb. It becomes much more manageable once you get shieldbow - shieldbow is 100% necessary vs. Not a fun matchup.”Ĭookanarities says “Extremely difficult matchup at all stages of the game. One of the only saving graces is that she auto-pushes the wave with her E so it makes farming more manageable. It's hard to sidelane vs her and hard to play vs her in mid. Overall, the matchup remains bad in the 1v1 almost all game. Difference is, she rushes galeforce and you don't rush shieldbow thus making it a large amount of time where you're extremely vulnerable. She can also build galeforce - at which point, she never has to use her ult to force your ult unless you have shieldbow completed. So, you should use it before right? No, if you ult before, she can just ult you out of your ult and auto you to finish you off. That WILL kill you in CC before you can ult. She can jump on you and 100-0 you with 1 combo by stacking her E and ulting you away for the last charge. She has too many easy ways to deal with Kindred ult so that it's almost not even worth using. This doesn't allow her to jump on you and abuse her early game strength. Kindo says “Extremely difficult matchup at all stages of the game. If you don’t let her snowball then she’s as good as dead! Tristana’s entire gameplan relies on her snowballing in lane. ◉ Win condition: You outscale Tristana EXTREMELY hard.
#Fuck your champion tristana full#
◉ For this lane I would actually not recommend trying to poke with rockets unless you’re 100% sure she won’t jump onto you because like I said she will play full on aggressive to ruin your day. ◉ Now that you’re aware of the crazy amount of kill pressure Tristana has you’ll need to know you want to farm far away from her and keep jumping distance between you and her because she’ll try to jump on you like a rapid animal at any given chance! ◉ Since you’re immobile then Tristana can all-in kill or all-in trade with you as early as level 2 or 3 with her W E Q combo which would be to ] on top of you then set ] on you and lastly increase her attack speed with ] so she can auto attack and denote the ] at full stacks which will not only do full damage to you, but give her a reset to use her ] onto you again. IKeepItTaco says “◉ Tristana is an early-mid game ADC with one of the most snowbally and strongest laning phases in the entire game.